Hight Quality Panerai Ferrari Replica For Sale | Hight Quality Replica Watch Shop

Panerai Ferrari Replica

It was a new challenge to us, but we really enjoyed playing with the optical illusion. The engineer must think about the illusion that will occur when the product is working. It's difficult to create and understand this type of product. The mechanical side is difficult in and of itself, but we have extensive experience. The optical illusion was the biggest challenge, and I believe we have achieved it.

The limited edition is 28 rose gold pieces and 28 white gold pieces. It has been a great success [at Baselworld] up to now. For us, success doesn't just mean selling watches. It also means telling our story. Panerai Ferrari Replica is a brand that has so much to offer; our product is the only ambassador we have. Our product is the one that has taken all this knowledge, all these years of experience and all this history. It is this product which will be presented in Basel. It's not just the orders we have received at the end of each day. We are a business and need to make profit. It's also the positive response we have received from the media, clients and collectors. You talked about the challenge. The exercise was difficult but artistic. It's not difficult if you just look at this drawing. This interpretation was very difficult and artistic. We also play with the levels. The trees look like they are suspended. It was an amazing idea that has been patent. We're not surprised by the results, but they are fantastic.Panerai Ferrari Replica This is a first-version, but you will see that we can make more. It's also a foundation in terms of movements and a big investment for us. You'll notice that we are still investing and being creative in spite of the difficult times. It is also important to note that no other brand has the experience, legitimacy, and know-how necessary to create such a remarkable automaton. We have already done this with the Bird Repeater and Charming Bird.

Would it be possible to use this history to create something else, like a table clock, if we knew the past?

It's a great question. We have clients who want us to create something larger. You were talking about challenges. To make something very small and miniaturize it is a real challenge. It used to be table clocks or big automatons. Today, it's a wristwatch. It would be interesting to make it larger, but one of the biggest challenges would be working on the sound. The movement and animation are very exciting, but I'd also like to improve our innovation with sound. You'll soon see that we are developing this direction for table clocks, for instance.

How has Jaquet-Droz been affected by the recent industry challenges?

Hong Kong was our first market. Hong Kong suffered greatly, and we changed our positioning to be stronger in China. Hong Kong is still a very important marketplace. Our market has suffered but other markets have compensated. We are strong in Switzerland and have a good position with our retailer. I think we have done well. We also have a unique positioning, because we do such high-end pieces for a high price. This means that we reach a new level of clientele. We are doing more of what we call "the philosophy of the unique"; it's a concept, a way of customizing our watch, it's an ultimate luxury.IWC Replica Watches And many people are asking for special products to be made. We are able to quickly make internal proposals because we have seven in-house artists. We have a very direct connection with our customers, who can request a specific sketch, a special automaton, a landscape with diamonds or other special features. We also see an increase in requests. Even though the normal business last year was less successful, we still had a high demand for special pieces.